Upcoming Classes


Dominator powers that once burned women for their connection to healing and nature have transformed. External forces still disempower, but now we also carry these internalized, unconscious patterns. What was once an outward burn is now internalized as burnout, a result of pushing beyond our limits. If we must sacrifice ourselves to meet life’s demands, what world are we creating?

Plant allies help build resilience—not to push harder, but to realign with our natural cycles and reclaim our inner strength. In this class, herbalist Rachel Budde will explore the link between the Witch burnings and modern burnout, offering herbal medicine and nervous system support for healing and recovery.

Virtual space: Feb 2, 10am PST

Sign up https://www.eventbrite.com/e/witch-burning-burnout-and-reclaiming-the-flame-with-botanical-medicine-tickets-1092384163439?aff=oddtdtcreator



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Join Astrologer Jessica Lanyadoo and Herbalist Rachel Budde for a practical and inspiring class to help you prepare for 2022.


About this event

Join Astrologer Jessica Lanyadoo (Ghost of a Podcast) and Herbalist Rachel Budde (Fat And The Moon) for a practical and inspiring class to help you prepare for 2022. Jessica will unpack and explain each of the major transits that we will be going through in 2022 and Rachel will share corresponding plants, as well as how to work with them, to support us in these times of cosmic flux. Come away from the class with a watchful eye to the sky, and earthbound herbal skills in your pocket.

Date and time

Sun, January 2, 2022

10:30 AM – 12:30 PM PST

Class Offerings

Below is a selection of workshops and classes taught by Rachel. If you are interested in hosting her to teach on one of these subjects, please reach out via the contact form.

Boundary Setters and Boundary Dwellers: Plant Medicine for Supporting our Physical and Energetic Membranes

Having good boundaries is a virtue many of us aspire to. But what do ‘good boundaries’ mean, really? How does one assess where one thing ends and another begins? Luckily, we can look to the wisdom of our bodies, our cells, to give us guidance on what a healthy membrane looks like and acts like. We can look to the plants who help support the integrity of our permeable places. 

In this class we will discuss the connection between physical and energetic boundaries. We will also discuss plants which have affinity with thresholds, barriers and boundary places, as well as practical application of herbal medicine to support us, whether we are leaky or rigid.

Herbal Medicine for Expanded States

 Within the compatible and beneficial chemical relationships our plant bodies have with our human bodies is the message of interconnection. It is the interconnection of people and plants, and with our environment at large, that is often revealed in expanded states. A plethora of plant allies have historically been guides, gatekeepers, protectors and soothers while working with these states to best promote healing and the expansion of our consciousness. 

 In this workshop series we will be discussing practical applications of botanicals through the lens of ethnobotany and herbal medicine to support expanded states. This class covers intentional preparation, protection and support within the liminal realms and plants for the return and integration. 


Bitter: A Flavor to Digest

Whether ‘bitter’ calls to mind pungent flavors or feelings of resentment, bitterness asks us to digest. Bitter is the flavor of our ancestors, and like many things from our past, we’ve been running from it. As the flavor of bitter is disappearing from our diets, our digestive function isn’t our only compromised system. The health of the gut and the health of our minds and hearts are inextricably connected. A dysfunctional gut disconnects us from core wisdom. 

The bitter herbs have been there since humans showed up, and they are still here to dose us with what we need not only to digest our food, but to digest all we’ve been storing up inside-for generations.

Plant Seer; The Magic of Connection

The role of the ‘seer’, another term for ‘witch’ or ‘healer’ in Slovenia denotes a particular power to not only treat an illness or wound, but to see and understand its cause. The Seer’s magic, in fact, is to treat both the cause and effect of dis-ease.

The Seer is savvy about relationships. The Seer maps context and interconnection.

The Plant Seer acknowledges the human as just one part of a dynamic ecosystem, one in which every living being is dependant on plants.

In this workshop we will be discussing Magical interactions with plants and their medicines through hands on potion making, discussion and reflection.


Yoni Care

Herbal body care is all about the communion between earth powers and your powers. What is more powerful than the yoni? Get your yoni care skills on! We will craft herbal remedies that cover the spectrum of vaginal bummers and discuss herbs focused on supporting the nether regions. Learn basic herbal medicine making techniques while creating products to support yoni worship. Put the healing of the Yoni in your hands and empower your flower!

'Yoni' is a purposefully chosen, Sanskrit word which offers sacred reference to the full encapsulation of the vagina and vulva. ‘Yoni’ is chosen as a more expansive, non-binary term to include all folks who may or may not identify as 'female'.


The Medium is the Message: Making Medicinal Vinegars, Magic Cordials and Digestive Bitters

Whether it be alcohol, vinegar, water, oil, lard or glycerin, the menstruum is the conduit of plant medicine. A menstruum holds something in suspense, it’s nature is to dissolve and absorb, to be more than just itself. The chemical compounds of plants, their magic and the intentions of the maker are held in the medium. The action of a menstruum is not only to hold, but to pre-digest allowing the suspended medicine to be imbibed and absorbed into another physiology. The menstruum is a bridge.


Body Care for Home Bodies

If you can’t put something in your body, you shouldn’t put it on your body! What better way to practice this ideal than to make body care potions from ingredients you have in your kitchen this very minute! Resourcefulness aside, as with food, the fresher and the more minimal ingredients the better it is for you. Let’s take our culinary artistry and apply it to our outsides!


Trickster Teachers: The Weeds

No matter how surrounded we are by concrete or skyscrapers, we are in Nature. We, in fact, ARE Nature. The relationship humans have always had with our environment continues, even if we are consciously unaware of it. The Weeds mirror our impact as well as our potential to heal. The Weeds are Tricksters, seemingly the bane of the perfect lawn’s existence- yet profound teachers.